らぶり / L'abri







Renovation to connect memories

A plan to renovate a 50-year-old three-story steel-framed former residence into a daycare center for children with disabilities.

With a limited budget, priority was given to updating the architectural features of the old house, such as the facility insulation environment, the steep staircase, and the shape of a series of small, compartmentalized private rooms, to make it suitable for a space for children's medical care and education.

On the second floor, where the medical education room is located, other partitions and ceilings were removed, leaving the volume of the staircase room, and the plan was made so that it can be divided by fittings according to its use, while still providing a sense of circulation.

Before this renovation, the small entrance of the residence was used for entry and exit. However, we thought that the entrance is an important place for the family taking care of the children to take their first steps, as well as a place for daily communication and for expressing the atmosphere and intentions of the facility, so we created an open entrance with a size appropriate for the number of users in what used to be a garage.

  • 外観
  • 改築前外観
  • 玄関
  • 改築前アプローチ
  • アプローチ
  • 改築前ガレージ
  • エントランス
  • エントランス
  • 改築前外観
  • 外観
  • 療育室
  • 療育室
  • 療育室
  • 改築前内観
  • キッチン
  • 改築前キッチン
  • キッチン
  • 改築前内観
  • 階段室
  • 洗面
  • 事務室
  • 事務室
  • 事務室
  • 事務室
  • 事務室
  • 改築前内観
  • 事務室

竣工年 | 2022
所在地 | 奈良県奈良市
用途 | 障がい児通所支援事業所(児童発達支援・放課後等デイサービス)
敷地面積 | 290㎡
延床面積 | 191㎡
構造・規模等 | 改築・鉄骨造・3階建

設計 | 門間香奈子・古川晋也 / モカアーキテクツ
施工 | キドビル工務店

撮影 | 古川晋也

Completion | 2022
Location | Nara, Japan
Main use | child developmental support・after school day services
Site area |290㎡
Total floor area | 191㎡
Construction type・Main structure | Conversion・Steel・3 stories

Contractor | KIDOBIRU koumuten

Photo | Shinya FURUKAWA